An SRV record is a DNS record, that is used to direct a domain name to a third-party server and employ it for a service different from a web site. This can be a Voice-Over-IP server, a video streaming service, an instant messaging system, etc. When an SRV record is created, you could specify an Internet Protocol which the domain will use and the port, that will be employed to connect to the remote server. Moreover, in case you have numerous SRV records for the very same service, you can set various priorities and weights for every single one of them, so that you can send out the load between several machines. Such a record allows you to use the same domain or subdomains under it with different providers, so you could use it for different purposes even if you cannot get all of the services from just one service provider.

SRV Records in Website Hosting

If you host a domain address within a website hosting account from our company and we control the DNS records for it, you will be able to create a new SRV record with a few mouse clicks within the DNS Records part of your Hepsia Control Panel. Our user-friendly interface makes it much simpler to set up a new record in comparison with other hosting Control Panels, so if you require an SRV record, you'll simply need to fill a few boxes and you'll be ready. This includes the protocol and also the port number, the value i.e. the actual record, the priority plus the weight. For the last two you can set any value in between 1 and 100 based on which server you want clients to access first or what instructions the other company has given you. As an added option, you can select how long this record is going to be active after you change it or delete it - the so-called Time To Live time, that is measured in seconds. Unless required otherwise, you could leave the default value there.

SRV Records in Semi-dedicated Servers

As we recognize how irritating it can be to handle DNS records, we'll present you with an easy-to-use DNS administration instrument as an element of our custom-made Hepsia Control Panel, so if you host your domain addresses inside a semi-dedicated server account from our company, you'll be able to create an SRV record with no issues. We have a step-by-step guide, that will make things much easier. Using an intuitive interface, you will have to type in the info that the other company has provided you with - protocol, port number and service. Unless they've given you specific directions to modify the priority and / or the weight values, you could leave these two options as they are and your new record will go live in a few minutes. The Time To Live option (TTL) can also be set to a custom value, but normally the standard value of 3600 seconds is used for the majority of records. This value reveals the time the record will keep existing after it's changed or erased.