.NU Pricing

TLD 1 Year 2 years 3 years 4 years 5 years 6 years 7 years 8 years 9 years 10 years
Sole .NU registration $21.50 $43.00 $64.50 $86.00 $107.50 $129.00 $150.50 $172.00 $193.50 $215.00

TLD Details

TLD Registrar-Lock Transfers Edit WHOIS ID Protect Registration Period
.NU no yes (EPP) yes no 1-10 years

.NU Domain Names Registration

The .NU Top-Level Domain was initially assigned to the Polynesian island country of Niue. On account of the phonetic similarity with the word 'new', .NU is used by lots of site owners all over the world. The extension is available for registration to everyone. Additionally, considering the fact that .NU is still not so popular, you've got a greater chance of registering a rather appealing .NU domain for your own personal or corporate website.At Jadlead.Net, you can order a cost-effective .NU domain for as low as $21.50 per year.

.NU Domain Management with Jadlead.Net

Our Domain Manager is made with one single goal in mind - to allow you to efficiently take care of all of your domain names from just a single place. Packed with the software instruments that you require, it is the best home for your new .NU domain name. At any moment, you'll enjoy instant access to your domain's DNS controls and, at any time, you can easily assign an URL redirection. You can take advantage of our limitless domain parking feature so as to instantly build up your online presence. And you will be able to manage multiple domains simultaneously effortlessly.

For those who also have a web hosting account with Jadlead.Net, it's possible to manage both your sites along with your domain names from the exact same location - our custom-made Web Hosting Control Panel.