Make certain that your prospective clients from the United Kingdom, the rest of Europe and Africa will reach you online as swiftly as possible

In case your traffic–heavy media–rich web portals are created for visitors who live in Great Britain, the rest of Europe or Africa, then take a look at our UK located data center option. The UK Servers data center is situated several kilometers away from Coventry and is among the most popular datacenter facilities in the UK. It provides remarkable safety conditions for hosting your dynamic websites and web applications and is staffed by a team of admins taking care of the server network 24x7.

We offer you different VPS plans that you can make use of in our UK located data center. Our VPS do not entail any registration costs and are backed up by a 99.9% uptime guarantee. Additionally, our trained server admins execute off–site backups of your VPS on a weekly basis to make sure your content is kept secure at all times. The UK Servers data center option is available on the signup page.

UK Website Hosting Services

If you would like something a little bit cheaper than a Virtual Private Server, we have the answer waiting for you in our UK located data center – a website hosting package. All our website hosting plans are based on our ultramodern website hosting system, which we’ve built from the ground up. This allows us to ensure a ninety–nine point nine percent uptime for all sites hosted under a UK Website Hosting account. Plus, with each and every account, you will also get a free domain name.