Mailing list members are individuals that have subscribed to a particular mailing list to get periodic email messages, such as weekly newsletters. In case the mailing list client program that is used to manage the mailing list permits it, you can also approve mailing list members manually, but in this case such emails may be recognized as being unsolicited and reported as spam by the recipients. Usually, these members can unsubscribe from a mailing list by clicking a link in the messages they get, or you, as the mailing list administrator, can delete them manually if they make such a request or in case you reach the decision that some of the mailing list members should not be part of the mailing list any longer. Each member will see only their address in the "To" field of the messages they get, but not the addresses of the other members of the mailing list.

Mailing List Members in Website Hosting

In case you have a website hosting on our cutting-edge cloud hosting platform, you’ll be able to configure electronic mailing lists and to manage their members without difficulty. We rely on a powerful application called Majordomo, which offers a ton of features and it is hardly a surprise that it is among the most popular mailing list client applications available on the marketplace. Adding or deleting a mailing list subscriber is extremely easy – you’ll just have to send an email with a certain command in the body of the message to, which implies that you do not even have to sign in to the Hepsia Control Panel. In the exact same way, you can also view all active members of any list that you set up. Should you face any difficulties, you can examine the instructional articles that we have added in the Email Manager section of the Control Panel or you can contact our customer support staff, which is available to you 24/7.

Mailing List Members in Semi-dedicated Servers

In case you host your domains in a semi-dedicated server account with our company and you’d like to send regular email messages to your clients, you will be able to create as many mailing lists as you wish. You can add as many mailing list members as you want as well. You’ll be able to make use of one of the most popular mailing list client programs out there – Majordomo. Managing your mailing list subscribers will be as simple as sending an email message with a particular command to Thus, you can see all the subscribers for a certain mailing list, import new ones or remove those that shouldn’t receive your email messages any longer. You’ll also have access to a selection of instructional articles in the Hepsia hosting Control Panel’s Email Manager section where you will find more in-depth information regarding the management of your mailing list subscribers, including all Majordomo commands.